Entrust Your Surveying Work to Our Experienced Professionals
We have the most extensive land survey records in our area. Chances are we've worked on or near your property in the past. This may greatly reduce the amount of time required for your project. Please call Dan Kogel to discuss Land Surveying projects and call James "Louie" Filkins to discuss any Civil Engineering projects.
Surveying Work Performed:
- Property Surveys
- Certified Survey Maps
- Land Use Permits
- Subdivision Plats
- Topographic Surveys
- Construction Staking
- ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys
- Variance Requests
- Elevation Certificates

Property Survey:
In general, property surveys are used to identify existing parcels, property lines, or property corners based on an existing legal description or previous map. They are also commonly used to show transfers of land between adjoining owners, which are normally exempt from government review.
Always check with your local county and township or city/village officials to learn about current regulations and requirements.
Certified Survey Map (CSM):
A certified survey map is generally required when creating one to four new parcels of:
St. Croix County: 35 Acres or Less
Pierce County: 15 Acres or Less
Polk County: 19 Acres or Less
Pepin County: 10 Acres or Less
Dunn County: 20 Acres or Less
This type of survey is approved by the local government and is recorded at the courthouse. We also offer engineering and soil testing services, sometimes associated with certified survey maps.
Always check with your local county and township or city/village officials to see if a certified survey map is required.

Subdivision Plat:
Subdivision plats are generally required when creating more than four lots. They are often subject to state jurisdiction as well as local review. We also offer engineering and soil testing services for the roadways and drainage features usually associated with subdivision plats.
Always check with your local county and township or city/village officials to learn about current regulations and requirements. Call us to find out who reviews surveys in your area.
These examples are just an overview of what we do. If you need surveying work done and none of these seem to fit what you need, just give us a call or e-mail, and we will be able to further assist you.